Becoming A Mom

April 28, 2017


Ohhh where do I even begin.?!?!?! This blog post has been long overdue. BUT we are so overjoyed for the arrival of this little bean. We are due September 8th, just two days before my birthday. This little adventure is changing a lot about me. I never knew if I wanted kids, you see in 2008 I had a procedure that removed part of my cervix. The Dr. told me I should still be able to have a baby but that I may have more complications than a normal healthy person. Of course, at 18 I didn’t think twice about it, I sure as heck wasn’t thinking about babies then. Fast forward to 2016, a lot of things changed in my life. I was going through a divorce (more on that later) and moving to a new school. Life was crazy. I was just learning to adjust. Although right around age 25/26 something sunk in about babies, I decided that I wanted to be a mom. Of course going through all the life changes babies were still not on the radar but I knew I wanted to be a mom one day.

Fast forward through some crazy life changes and obstacles we were blessed with the gift of being parents. That Christmas day forever changed our lives. So many emotions filled our room as I sat there at 10:30 at night on Christmas Day staring at this stick. Excited, scared, worried and nervous are just some of the emotions that I can vividly remember. I was so nervous, I was literally shaking like a tree branch in the wind. I didn’t know what the future was gonna hold. I knew that even though I was pregnant, it would still be a long road and many tests to make sure I could carry this little one. Fast forward many months and Dr’s appointments later, I am 21 weeks this week and we have a healthy little boy. He kicks up a storm and loves dancing to music. We are a little over half way done, we still have appointments every two weeks to monitor my cervix but so far it’s holding nice and strong. Thank goodness.

We cannot wait to meet this little boy who has been quite a character on all of his ultrasounds these last few months. Every two weeks he’s being crazy in there and sure isn’t shy. We just know he is going to be a joy to raise and we cannot wait. I hope to be able to keep some updates on becoming a new mom because it’s something so exciting for me. Never in a million years did I think I would be looking at baby cribs, breast pumps or hiring a doula but it’s been one crazy adventure. I am looking forward to the next part.